Who is Loli? Who is Andrzej?

If you are reading this,  you must know one of them very well. They’re divided by thousands of kilometers, but their worlds are so similar – they work in beautiful schools with wonderful teenagers and dedicated teachers. And most of all, without them our schools wouldn’t be the same.

If illustration is part of your artistic journey and you’re brave enough to portray someone who lives far away, then you’re invited to join our illustration contest.

What do I have to do to participate?

You should prepare an illustration that depicts Loli (if you are from Poland), Andrzej (if you are from Spain) or both of them (the best option).  One student can submit one artwork. The artwork should be submitted in a digital format that has  enough quality to be printed in A3 format. We assume you know the technical details.

What can I win?

The winner in both schools is going to receive a loot box prepared by the students from the other school, ie.  a winner in Poland will receive a loot box prepared by Spanish students and vice versa. The loot boxes will be awarded to the winners of the contest during the Christmas celebration.

The best illustration is going to be included in the floor plans of both schools and distributed among the students and candidates during the ‘open house’ days in 2022.

Where should I send my artwork?

Students from EAD send your entries to j.brozynski@escoladart.cat

Students from Re:ymont send your entries to b.markowska@reymont.czestochowa.pl 

Any questions?

Jan (EAD) and Beata (Re:ymont) will help you.

Deadline: 10.12.2021